What is a Coalfish ?
A Coalfish is related to the cod very similar to a Pollock,a
very powerful fish ,has a blackish dark back appearance compared to a pollock which is golden yellow colours
What bait is good for Coalfish ?
A coalfish is a Predator Mackerel,Blueys ,squid ,Herring ,Sandeel ,Ragworm ,Lugworm and Peeler Crabs too
What rigs are good for Coalfish ?
ON the Boat a single longer flowing rig off the shore a Pully Rigor similar with a 4/0 upwards hook they have a relitively small mouth but ive caught many in norway 10lb on 8/0 hooks so match the hatch on the fish sizes you are targetting
Where will i catch a Coalfish ?
Coalfish inhabit deeper rocky ground and rough areas and will venture to much cleaner ground looking for food mostly top of scotland sees a good run of smaller ones and in places in Ireland where there called Black Pollock .without a doubt Norway and Iceland has some of the best Coalfish fishing in the world
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