Stuffed lugworm


Stuffed Lugworm

Squid stuffed with fresh Lugworm then frozenin packs.

497 in stock

SKU: stuffed lugworm Category: Tag:

stuffed lugworm.



What is Stuffed Lugworm ? 

Stuffed lugworm is specially selected squid which are stuffed with lugworm and frozen .

when defrosted they ooze the scent of lugworm and Squid out into the water.

What will stuffed Lugworm Catch ?

Stuffed lugworm will Catch Cod,Rays,Bass Pollock etc.

How do i use Stuffed Lugworm?

simple either on a single 2/0 to 6/0 hook or a Pennel rig

these are pre elasticated so a small wrap to keep them on the hook is all thats needed .