Soft Back Crab
what is a Soft Back/Softie Crab
Soft Back Crab is a common shore crab & Peeler and soft shell crab is possibly one of the most effective baits for shore fishing, absolutely deadly for some species,Bass love them and at certain times of the year the fish will look at nothing else but
What fish will Soft Back Crab catch ?
Soft Back Crab
The common shore crab is the crab most often collected during the peeling season as either Peelers or Softbacks for use as fishing bait . Peeler Crabs, are simply crabs that are under going a moult where there shed the shell in order to become bigger , all crabs have an annual moult of their shell to allow for growth, and many crabs moult more than once per year. The crabs cast off the old shell and a new one is already forming underneath, the crabs body then grows into the size of the new shell. A crab that has just shed it’s shell is known as a ‘soft back’ crab, and just before it sheds it it is called a Peeler Crab.
The peeled crab and the elastic ready to use.